
Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 3 Activity 2

In this activity I had to write my pepeha...

Ko Worcester, England ahau
Ko Heather rāua ko Paul ōku mātua  
Ko Harrison tōku ingoa.

I don't know how to answer the other ones so I just removed them.


Anonymous said...

Hi Harrison
Wonderful work!! I think the only ones I understand is Heather and Paul are my parents and Harrison is my name. How did you feel when you were doing this activity?? Until next time

sarah Glen Innes School said...

Kia ora
Terrific work! What terrific work. And thank you for telling the truth. Was it difficult for you to do this task?

Cadence said...

Kia Ora Harrison!

You have made a great start on completing this activity!
Would you like some help to finish this activity?

Ko ________________________ te maunga The mountain that I affiliate* to is…
Ko ________________________ te awa The river that I affiliate to is….
Ko ________________________ te waka The waka that I affiliate to is…
Ko ________________________ tōku tīpuna My founding ancestor is…
Ko ________________________ tōku iwi My tribe is…
Ko ________________________ tōku hapu My sub-tribe is…
Ko ________________________ tōku marae My marae is…
Ko ________________________ ahau I am from…
Ko________ rāua ko ___________ōku mātua My parents are … and …
Ko ________________________ tōku ingoa. My name is …

If you get stuck ask your parents (Remember, it doesn’t have to be exact :)
Mountain: Which is the closest mountain to where you were born?
River – River Severn which I see is in Worcester. Otherwise you could use a NZ river. E.g. Waikato
Waka – I used Air New Zealand as my waka because it is how I arrived to New Zealand for the first time.
Ancestor – Who was the person who discover Worcester? Or New Zealand?
Tribes: Your main tribe is your last name, your sub tribe could be your family’s other last name. If you don’t know, you can use your middle name instead.
Marae: Have you ever been for a Marae for a school trip? If so, insert that name. Otherwise you could google a marae close to your school.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. :)

Keep up the great work Harrison!

Cadence :)

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