
Friday, 10 March 2017

Room 8 Metaphore Poem

Room 8 would be a rocket powered out of control 4 wheel drive sand buggy

Room 8 would be a deconstructed and decomposed prison

Room 8 would be a really annoying moth

Room 8 would be a wolf with the need to feed

Room 8 would be a bunch of muddy, ripped, ugly rags

Room 8 would be a piece of stale and hard dog poo

Room 8 would be a fruit salad with lots of durians

Room 8 would be a cut up rubber with no use

Room 8 would be a ripped, bright coloured rugby tackle bag

Room 8 would be a disgusting piece of rubbish


Anonymous said...

Greetings Harrison
I loved the first one "room 8 would be a rocket powered out of control 4 wheel drive sand buggy. I have also did this task and I enjoyed doing it. Which one do you think was the best out of all of yours?

Anonymous said...

Hi Zayn
I really like the Wolf with the need to feed

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